North Thurston Education Foundation Learning Improvement Grant Recipients

Above: NTEF LIG recipients Laura Kraig and Katy Govan at Timberline High School.
Learning Improvement Grants, to educators for classroom use, have been given by the Foundation since 1996. Currently, several grants are selected through a competitive application process. Funds help teachers increase student learning tied to district and state learning goals. There are four opportunities a year to apply for grants, September 15, November 1, February 1, and May 1.
Educators use grant funds in a variety of ways; past uses include sending students to an educational writing conference, educational field trips, and the purchase of cameras for a Science/Art club. We will be featuring Learning Improvement Grant recipients in our next few newsletters. See these lucky recipients below, and thank you so much for your hard work in our North Thurston classrooms!
(*Recipient names listed under photos)

Kelsey Hackney at Meadows Elementary

Michael Koehler at Meadows Elementary

Rose Aitken at Lacey Elementary