Board Member Spotlight: Becky Carver, Branch Manager of Prime Lending
1. How did you first get involved in NTEF?
I met NTEF’s Executive Director, Michael Jones, at a community event. I loved talking to him about the Foundation I asked him how I could get involved. I immediately began giving a monthly donation. I eventually asked if I could be on the board.
2. What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
I love to golf. I also love spending time with my dog, kids, family and husband.
I love to golf. I also love spending time with my dog, kids, family and husband.
3. How do you believe the community can best support the work of NTEF?
Isn’t NTEF just amazing? I grew up with a lot of things in common with these kids. We struggled as a family. I think that being able to help kids with even basic needs like shoes, clothes, and food is an amazing gift.