Resources and Support for Students and Families

“North Thurston School district is embracing remote help for our students. The Homeless team and counselors have been calling all our homeless students and families to offer support at this time. Teachers and Para Educators are preparing for online learning and many are reaching out to allow students to make up past work,” says Deanna East, NTPS McKinney Vento Student Navigator.

“Our Food Service team has been handing out lunches to any kids stopping in at all our elementary schools and Salish Middle School, and our bus drivers have just started driving to some of our most vulnerable areas to drop off meals so even more kids have access to food. We are so thankful to have the support of such a generous community during this time.”

North Thurston Public Schools’ Resource Center is open Tuesdays and Thursdays to support families and students during school closure. The Resource Center is located at 200 Sleater Kinney Rd NE Olympia 98506.

Drive-Up Hours are Tuesdays from 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. and Thursdays from 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. and items available include food, hygiene kits, school supply kits and Friday food bags. For questions or to inquire about making a donation, contact the Resource Center at (360) 412-4484 or visit