Clean Kids Program

North Thurston Education Foundation is proud to support Clean Kids. The Clean Kids Project was the vision of the congregation at St. Mark Lutheran Church. Laundry is just one of the many worries of the children and youth identified as being homeless in North Thurston Public Schools.
This often leaves children attending school with dirty clothes, which in turn affects attendance, self-confidence, and ultimately, grades. With volunteer hours, retrofitted space, equipment donated by McKinney’s Appliances and a $7,500 grant from the North Thurston Education Foundation, the Clean Kids vision became a reality. By mid-September 2016, the space at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church was up and running. Once a family has a voucher for services, they can contact St. Mark to make an appointment to use the laundry facilities.
Clean Kids needs your help! Consider donating a product from their wish list or donating funds through NTEF.
If you donate product, please review their wish list as the machines only use specific types of detergents, etc. Please drop off donations at St. Mark Lutheran Church, 2109 College St. SE, Lacey, WA 98503, Monday through Thursday. Clean Kids Coordinators encourage donors to call the church office before stopping by to make sure someone is there, 360-491-2052.
For doing laundry:
HE liquid laundry soap (Costco sells Arm and Hammer for around $10)
HE liquid fabric softener
White vinegar (gallon size)
33-gallon drawstring garbage bags
Paper towels
Liquid Oxyclean
Odo Ban disinfectant (for deodorizing urine odors) available at Home Depot
Lysol or Clorox wipes
Bounce dryer sheets
New clean rags
For our guests and children onsite:
Bottled water
Individually wrapped nutritional snacks
Microwave popcorn
Individual juices